Wangaratta Family History Society Inc.

Family History Indexes - Surnames B - Page 32

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There are 3811 records for the letter B



Kathleen Fancourt BIRT Rutherglen Burials Add to My Research


William BIRTILE Rutherglen Burials Add to My Research


John BIRTWHISTLE Death Stray BDM Transcriptions 1800's Eng Add to My Research
John BIRTWHISTLE Death Stray BDM Transcriptions 1800's Eng Add to My Research
Susan BIRTWHISTLE Marriage Stray BDM Transcriptions 1800's Eng Add to My Research


Ann Isabelle BISHOP Tate Funeral Records Add to My Research
Ann Isabelle BISHOP Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Elsie BISHOP Rutherglen Burials Add to My Research
George Edward Clarence BISHOP Rutherglen Burials Add to My Research
Henry BISHOP Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Henry BISHOP Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Henry BISHOP Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Jessie Elizabeth BISHOP Rutherglen Burials Add to My Research
John BISHOP Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Margaret BISHOP Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
William BISHOP Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
William BISHOP Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
William BISHOP Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research


Antonino BISIGNANO Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Carmela BISIGNANO Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Carmela BISIGNANO Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Mario BISIGNANO Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Mario BISIGNANO Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Unknown BISIGNANO Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Venera BISIGNANO Tate Funeral Records Add to My Research
Venera BISIGNANO Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research


Percy BISSAKER Springhurst School Past Pupils Add to My Research
Theresa BISSAKER Springhurst School Past Pupils Add to My Research


Cecil Lindsay BITTNER Tate Funeral Records Add to My Research
Cecil Lindsay BITTNER Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Mrs BITTNER High Country Index Add to My Research


Edris Alvin BLABEY Death Stray BDM Transcriptions 1800's Vic Add to My Research


Alexander BLACK High Country Index Add to My Research
Alice Ellen BLACK Handley Funeral Records Add to My Research
David Hamilton BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
David Hamilton BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Edward BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Edward BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Eliza Jane BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Elizabeth BLACK Marriage Stray BDM Transcriptions 1800's Vic Add to My Research
Emily Esther Jane BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Emily May BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
George BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
George BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
George BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
Hugh Stephen BLACK Milawa Burials Add to My Research
James BLACK Death Stray BDM Transcriptions 1800's Vic Add to My Research
James BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
James BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research
James BLACK Wangaratta Burials Add to My Research