Memberships are due for renewal on March 1st. Please see the attached form for details of how to pay.
People of all ages are welcome to apply to join and participate in the group. Apart from learning more about how to research and record your own family history, you could also help us collect new data on family histories in and around Wangaratta.
The Wangaratta Family History Society's Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 22th March at 10:30 am in the community room at Wangaratta Library. After the formalities of a short meeting, local resident Mr Paul Moss-Holland will join us to share some interesting history of the Wangaratta Cemetery.
Members and guests are welcome to attend the meeting. Note that only paid up members are eligible to vote at the AGM or nominate for positions on the Committee. A nomination form is attached for those wanting to nominate for a position.
All committee positions will be open. Although they will be available to support and assist, some long-term committee members would like to reduce hours they have committed to.
We urge you to consider nominating and joining the committee to guarantee the future of WFHS to maintain the service we provide to the local and wider community to learn about their family and ancestors and relatives. There is a great sense of satisfaction in assisting with the positive outcomes we can achieve.
Without a committee we are unable to function!
Please bring along a plate and join us for a light lunch after the meeting.
The Society's office in the Wangaratta Library will once again be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 am and 2 pm.
The WFHS Committee is excited to announce that we were successful with our Public Records Office Victoria, Local History Grant Application.
In addition to support from the Wangaratta Library, and Wangaratta Lodge of St John, and the Wangaratta Chronicle, funds from this grant will allow us to purchase an up-to-date ScanPro machine.
The Scan Pro function is to digitise all our microfiche, adding that information to our vast collection of resources thus being more readably available to Members electronically.
Microfilm belonging to the Wangaratta Library will also be digitised with the same beneficial outcome.
WFHS has received very positive feedback for the events conducted so far this year.
May 2024 - The most recent “Dating Early Photographs” session was presented by Debra Parry. Debra was an impressive speaker providing valuable information and time to those in attendance.
March 2024 - Annette Delaney gave us an enthusiastic overview and an insight on how DNA can assist with your family history research.
February 2024 - Jenni Lannen’s, “Writing to share: techniques to make your stories more engaging” kept all participants involved, motivating everyone to achieve thought-provoking and exciting results.
We look forward to your input on events you would like attend in the future.
This website contains a variety of information relating to family history and genealogy, including guides, indexes and digitised images of documents. We also provide links to other informative sites both in Australia and overseas that include pathways to make contact with other family historians via indexed family trees, mailing lists and bulletin boards.
A number of online resources for family history can be located via our indexes page.
We have a variety of resources available to you, some of these are subscription resources which can only be accessed by supporting us and becoming a member or by paying the relevant research online. The resources are also available to view in the Library's Wangarratta reading rooms.
Start your journey, explore our online indexes.
Our indexes include records from the following locations